Checkout My Recent Interview

I was recently on the INKSpill with Penda James the CEO of InScribed Inspiration.
Click the button below to listen to the full episode.
About the Author
E. Sheila Suggs-Armstrong is a wife, mother, youth ministry volunteer and graduate of Rutgers University. She is originally from Newark, NJ and currently lives in Roswell, GA with her husband and two young adult children. Because she cares deeply about people who are hurting and how they respond to negative experiences, one of her goals is to show the love of Christ through her life and first book, “Yellow Button.”
With wisdom and sensitivity, author E. Sheila Suggs-Armstrong addresses the challenging topic of childhood bullying in her book ‘Yellow Button Fights Back Against Bullying’.Parents and children alike will be blessed by the helpful advice that is woven through the story of Yellow Button and his community. Most importantly, Yellow Button’s journey will encourage children to triumph over the scourge of bullying. This powerful and beautifully illustrated work is a must-read for every family!
Ellen Freeman
Praise & Reviews
Yellow Button is an adorable book for the entire family. It addresses a universal issue of bullying and tells a story of bravery and courage. It shows that with support, we can all work together to stop bullying. It’s a must-read for everyone!
Edna Jones
Yellow Button is a timely and heartfelt book on the impact of bullying and the triumph of love and empowerment. An amazing book for parents to read and discuss with their children; and teachers to share with their students. Yellow Button is a must-have for your book collection.
Adrienne D. Holland